Television: Christmas Noelle Snow, played by Susanne Zenor and Susan Lanier in two different filmings of the pilot, and ultimately played by Suzanne Somers, was a prominent character in the first five seasons of what television show?
"Three's Company" |
"All in the Family" |
"The Golden Girls" |
"The Facts of Life" |
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Chrissy Snow, born to a reverend in Fresno, moved to Santa Monica in her early 20s and rented an apartment with two other women, Janet and Eleanor. In the pilot episode Eleanor moves out after getting married and the girls ask Jack Tripper to move in with them.
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The correct answer was "Three's Company"
Chrissy Snow, born to a reverend in Fresno, moved to Santa Monica in her early 20s and rented an apartment with two other women, Janet and Eleanor. In the pilot episode Eleanor moves out after getting married and the girls ask Jack Tripper to move in with them.
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